Quick fixes

It is better to spend more time to do it right way (ideally first time), because “quick fixes” usually come back like the Loch Ness Monster.

Mariusz’ shared following post:


Original post and discussion:


It is very common problem everywhere. Should we do and deliver fast or right way ? Recently our partner company was contacted by their client with following query: Can you implement CRM system faster, because we will have big sales in this week ? Our CRM Partner  replies for this query: Do you want us to do it wrong way just to implement 1 moth faster than we agreed ?



Why, How and Wow

When the ‘Why‘ is clear the ‘How‘ is easy

It is very important to ask the clients ‘Why”. If we are sure ‘Why‘ it is easier to know ‘How‘ to implement it and hear ‘Wow‘ from the clients.

CRM is NOT about only coding

In this week I have interviewed a couple of senior developers/consultants. Some of them have even had 10 years documented experience. What worries me a lot, any of them could not explain my team how do Microsoft CRM apps work, when it starts, ends, what is flow? They know how to code these apps, but they don’t know how to explain the whole business processes from the beginning to the end – very sad. IT is NOT only coding. It worries me a lot, because these days clients are very demanding and a clear presentation/ communication is key, isn’t it?

You Win or Learn

CRM Mangers should remind like mantra their teams:

You never lose. Either You win or You Learn

It is simple, but pragmatic mantra to help your team stay positive.

Less is Better than More

When it comes to customisations of Dynamics CRM, AX, NAV, basically all Microsoft business products, less is better than more. For that reason so many heavily customised Dynamics systems failed in past years. Please remember Less is Better than More when you customise your system.

It is big lesson for the whole Microsoft Dynamics community, isn’t it?

If you really need customise heavily your system please always

  1. ask you client why it is required,
  2. prioritise all customisations
  3. control all changes – change control
  4. please don’t promise too much
  5. and never ever don’t say it easy

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