CRM: Salesforce vs Dynamics 365 – Pricing

CRM: Salesforce vs Dynamics 365 – Pricing. I think a decision here is very easy. Thank you. For money which you save on right technology decision – Dynamics 365, you can buy even Ferrari – amazing. Of course I have in mind the large CRM implementations.

Recently I have heard that, with Salesforce is a bit like the queues at Disneyland. It is never-ending story, but with fees! Well said. Sorry, to be not political correct. I believe that these days clients want to hear the true, IT is not Disneyland!

I think the example with Ferrari will really work for many clients, especially Financial Services. It is a great conclusion and maybe idea as well! Let me know your thoughts.

Unified Interface in Dynamics 365 – great job

Unified Interface in Dynamics 365 looks great, not so much white space like in current UI. The thing is, I just hope it won’t break anything in existing UI.

The challenging plan behind Unified Client Interface/Infrastructure “UCI” is to bring a single client technology to cover all the different UI’ s across many devices, Outlook, Web Mobile, …. – fingers crossed!

  1. Post about it on Linkedin with interesting opinions from CRM community:
  2. Brilliant Brian’ article describes all features:
  3. Great article posted byJukka:

Please click on following screenshots to enlarge them.

CRM DEV TOOLS: A must have tool for Dynamics 365 developers/ Consultants

CRM Dev Tool is a great tool which reduces a lot of time of dynamics 365 professionals in their day to day activities. It is an add on to google chrome and easy to use. Just to list a few usages:

  • Form information (entity name, Id, entity type code, dirty fields in the form etc.)
  • Show hidden attributes in a form, show schema names of all fields without opening the form customisation, enable all fields in the form.
  • View Current User details (user Id, security roles etc.)
  • Execute Fetch XML queries and view the results.

More details available on

Image result for crm dev tools

CRM Portal Records Mover

New XrmToolBox plugin : Portal Records Mover. It allows to export/import portal records that have been created/updated since a specific date – nice!

Finally we can be very precise and selecting only records we exact need.

Technical details:


Portal Code Editor

Configuring the Portals for Dynamics 365 could be very complex and time consuming – simply madness. I never gave up, but I believe it should better way to manage this madness these days. Recently Monsier Touzard, the creator of the XrmToolBox, released a new tool called the “Portal Code Editor” to help manage many things in a nice and easy way – Thanks God. It reduced my big effort a lot – well done. It is well structured and useful tool. Indeed a great tool it is and really needed!

More details:

Dynamics 365 Preview

A Preview of Dynamics 365 like so far is available in UK/USA/Canada for Financials Products. Here is an url.

In July it will be available Preview of Dynamics 365 – Business version. We opened a discussion about on Linkedin this post

We will keep you updated! Url to this post on Linkedin:

Set up Personal Settings

Because I receive many queries on Linkedin how to set up personal settings at D365 using User Settings Utility please find my answer in following post. I usually set up Personal Settings that way for CRM systems based UK. I hope it helps you – as a good example.  I published one post about it on Linkedin as well. Here is url:

I would like to introduce/recommend User Settings Utility for all readers . It is a part of XrmToolBox. That way you can easily set up the personal settings for ALL CRM users in ONE GO e.g. time zone (UK), default currency(Pound),… Recently this tool saved me a lot of time. It is a little thing, but it really makes a difference, doesn’t it ? – a CRM’ game changer.

Usually I set up these 7 Personal Settings for All users (UK based CRM systems) like on following screenshot:

1,2,3. General Settings at CRM

4,5,6. Email Settings at CRM

Particularly setting number 5 on my screenshots is very interesting. It is important in tracking emails. Shortly I will write a post about tracking emails related to Case at D365 – a good example to understand tracking emails at CRM.

5. Select the e-mail messages to track in Microsoft Dynamics CRM – the following summarizes the various options. I usually choose All e-mail messages rather than E-mail messages in response to CRM e-mail.

  1. All e-mail messages – This will track all e-mail messages regardless no matter if it is a Dynamics CRM record or not
  2. E-mail messages in response to CRM e-mail  – This will track e-mails in response to current e-mails based on either the Tracking Token or Smart Matching configuration in System Settings. It looks to see if this e-mail has already been tracked in Dynamics CRM as well as the tracking token if one is being used.
  3. E-mail messages from CRM Leads, Contacts and Accounts – This will only track e-mails only if the sender is a lead, contact, or account.
  4. E-mail messages from CRM records that are e-mail enabled – This will track e-mails from all record types (all entities), including custom record types (custom entities) that contain an e-mail address field.

6. Automatically create record in D365

I usually select NO, because we don’t know for 100% sure it should be created automatically Contact or Lead, but I image it can depend of very specific requirements and you want to create Contact/Lead every time.

7. Error notification

I usually disable the errors notification to not frustrate the users. By the way I opened a very interesting discussion about it on Linked. Please look at this post.


Personal Charts at D365

Charts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 are a very useful way to display data for

  • quick
  • high-level
  • visual


User can easily:

  • create it
  • delete it
  • share it
  • assign it
  • export/import it

How to Disable the Script Error Notifications in Dynamics 365 ?

If you have any CRM presentations I would really recommend to disable the “Send Report to Microsoft” error pop-up. I saw users who were scared when they saw it. It is very easy to disable it.

You can disable the Script Error Notifications in Dynamics 365 using following steps:

  1. Navigate to Microsoft Dynamics CRM > Settings > Administration > Privacy Preferences
  2. On the Privacy Preferences Tab, select the option “ Specify the Web Application Error Notification preferences on behalf of users”
  3. Select the one of following options
  • “Never send error report to Microsoft”
  • “Automatically send an error report to Microsoft without asking the user for permission”

We have started very interesting discussion about it on Linkedin. Please look at this post. Here is url:

Other useful links:

How to Disable the Script Error Notifications in Dynamics CRM 2015