How To Create Ganntchart in project opearations D365

Ganntchart is a project management tool that illustrates a project plan. It has two main sections: the left side outlines a list of tasks, while the right side has a timeline of work. Inorder to create ganntchart in project-operations, first we need to have a project to manage. Below is simple steps used to follow to create ganntchart.

1) create project:

go to the projects tab in the project operations environment, create new project and fill some essential general fields. For example:

DescriptionDevelop website for ABC University
CustomerABC University
Project Manager John Doe

2) add tasks to the project:

Given a project is created, now add tasks related to your project. Our example web project has many tasks and subtasks. Below is a table showing the tasks and associated subtaks.

Task Subtask
Analysis identify use cases
create user stories
conduct techincal and finacial feasiblity
Design create low fidelity prototype
create high high fidelity prototype
Development develop sprint-1
develop sprint-2
Test conduct test-sprint-1
conduct test-sprint-2
conduct UAT test
Deliver deploy to azure
tasks, subtasks breakdown

3) create a team for the project

Once tasks are completed, go to team tab and add team-members needed to compelte your project. In our demo example we have the following team-members working on the sample web-project.

Profession Employee-name
Business analyst Abel Alemu
Software Designer Markos Alemu, Thomas
Software Developer George, Yonas Alemu
Software Tester Sara Alemu, Helen Alemu
team-mebers list

4) Assign task to each employee/team-member

Once tasks are created and team-members are populated, now it’s time to assign task to each team-member. Below is a screenshot from our demo example of web-project.

allocating task to team-member

5) Manage dependency using the timeline

Given one task is dependent on another task, this stage is crucial for effective project managment below is a screenshot from our example. It shows once test-sprint-1 is dependent on sprint-1-development. And test-sprint-2 is dependent on sprint-2-development. And UAT (User Acceptance Testing) is dependent on both test-sprint-2.

These are the simple steps to follow to create the gannt-chart. gannt chart has the following advatages when it comes to project managment:

  1. it helps to determines resources and task dependencies
  2. it monitors the progress of the project

What is typescript? and What are its advantages?

Typescript is a superset of JS. It’s a programming languge with additinal syntax. TypeScript builds on top of JavaScript. The following pictcure shows the relationship between the two.

First, you write the TypeScript code. Then, you compile the TypeScript code into plain JavaScript code using a TypeScript compiler(tsc).

TypeScript uses the JavaScript syntaxes and adds additional syntaxes for supporting data types. Note that Javascript is dynamically typed languge meaning if there is any error in the code, it’s caught at runtime and the program doesn’t terminate gracefully. Using typescript helps to identify errors at compile time.

why typescript?

typescript adds data-type feature which helps to identify error at compile time. Thus, it forces us to write robust, clean and less error-prone code. For example. let’s say we want to write a function that adds two numbers, num1 and num2. If we write this function in javascript and without any additional validation, we will get unwanted result(string concatination rather than addition). Look at the screenshots below for further illustration.

the screenshot below shows simple index.html page with two input filed and button to add the two numbers.

index.html page –> here we include script.js file

the screenshot below shows the script.js file where we define our add function.

script.js file (note this isn’t typescript file, this is plain javascript file)

if we open index.html file and put some numbers in the input field, and press add button. we won’t get the exepected result in the console. Rather we get concatination of string values.

console output

Now by using typescript we can write more robust code and enforce we are getting numbers insted of string values. Thus avoid runtime errors or unexpected results in our case. The screenshot below shows an example of typescript.

script.ts (this is typescript file with additinal syntax shown with yellow underlines)

Now, we can compile this file by using typescript compiler(tsc) and run the command ‘tsc script.ts’. This command will compile our code and produce ‘script.js’ file. Below is the console output after compiling this code.

console output after running typescript

Thus using typescript we can write clean and more robust code.

Additional advantage of using typescript

Apart from writing more robust and less-error prone code, typescript has the following advantages

  1. we can use next generation Javascript features and everyting we write compiles down to js code.
  2. we can use features like interface and generics that helps during development.
  3. It has rich configuration options

Disadvantage of using typescript

Although typescript provides lots of feature, one drawback is that neither broswer nor node can execute typescript file. That is why we have tsc tool (typescript compiler) to compile our code back to plain Javascript so that our browser can interpret it.

How to install it?

Inorder to start using typescript we need to install it using npm. Below is a command to install typescript globally.

npm install -g typescript