CRM Mangers should remind like mantra their teams:
You never lose. Either You win or You Learn
It is simple, but pragmatic mantra to help your team stay positive.
CRM Mangers should remind like mantra their teams:
You never lose. Either You win or You Learn
It is simple, but pragmatic mantra to help your team stay positive.
CRM: Salesforce vs Dynamics 365 – Pricing. I think a decision here is very easy. Thank you. For money which you save on right technology decision – Dynamics 365, you can buy even Ferrari – amazing. Of course I have in mind the large CRM implementations.
Recently I have heard that, with Salesforce is a bit like the queues at Disneyland. It is never-ending story, but with fees! Well said. Sorry, to be not political correct. I believe that these days clients want to hear the true, IT is not Disneyland!
I think the example with Ferrari will really work for many clients, especially Financial Services. It is a great conclusion and maybe idea as well! Let me know your thoughts.
Unified Interface in Dynamics 365 looks great, not so much white space like in current UI. The thing is, I just hope it won’t break anything in existing UI.
The challenging plan behind Unified Client Interface/Infrastructure “UCI” is to bring a single client technology to cover all the different UI’ s across many devices, Outlook, Web Mobile, …. – fingers crossed!
Please click on following screenshots to enlarge them.
A next great CRM meetup with my experienced IT colleagues at London. The conclusion from our meeting was: it doesn’t matter how good/experience you are, there will be always ‘bomb on the road’ at your project. The questions only are:
Like for IT meet-up, it was very emotional meeting. Everybody told about his/her the worst project, client and bad action plan. The thing is, even the best team, best plan won’t survive the meeting with the client. Did you experience this problem before? If not please be ready for that!
IT project, particularly CRM’ implementation is really hard work for both sides: IT provider and the client as well. You can never be sure whether something wrong comes up very late and completely destroys the whole hard work and project itself – like in life you never know. For that reason IT projects are so exciting and difficult, even for experienced people as well. Our advise is, , please never gave up – the same true like in life!
Any comments, as usually, are welcome.
Recently we were asked by client to prepare an online CRM competency test . We are thinking which one layout is the better for the users. What is you opinion ?
Please leave your feedback in comments!
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