Usefull GitHub commands
Build – npm run build
Run – npm start
Check Git – git remote -v
git remote set-url origin
git clone D:\GoogleDrive\GitHUB\TopOne.CRM
Create – npx create-react-app TestPopUp
git config –global “”
git config –global “TopOneMario”
git init
npm cache clean --force
- npm rebuild
- npm i react-scripts
- npm install styled-components
- npm i request –save
Dynamics 365 DevOps – How to install Solution Packager
How to display video in Dynamics 365 ?
Actually it does depend on where you would store the files.
Traditional standard solution is to embed a YouTube video within an iframe/html web resource on a form in a model driven app
PCF (PowerApps Component Framework) control would be the new way of embedding videos such as YouTube/Vimeo etc an example has already been created and showcased on PCF Gallery here –
How to add subgrid in Word Template by Power Flow ?
It works the same way the cloud flow word template where you can populate the repeating table with the normal value. (you can use formatted value instead)
According to the documentation of the Word Online connector this should be possible
By the way, did you try to populate in PowerFlow subgrid (related records) for given entity ? In OOT word template you can repeat rows (special control) , but how about Power Flow ? – Populate a Microsoft Word template. in one record e.g. payment you can have multiple reviews to populate in Word template from sub grid. I am not sure it is possible to do at Power Flow at all
Alternative option is Documents Corepack for all projects
Common Data Service vs Common Data Service (current environment)
How to work with optionset lables in Power Automate? – Power Flow
Greate post form Thomas (CRM Addicted)
Posts on Power Platform Forum:
Lin post:
The full expression is Triggeroutputs()?[‘body/_leadqualitycode_label’].
The main issue I have is that this will only work with the CDS connector and not the CDS (current environment) connector as the label value is not returned in the JSON for the CDS (current environment) connector. I hope this is fixed in the future as the current environment connector provides more Actions and is more efficient for processing lists of record.
If you wanted to do this from a different record than the record that triggered the flow then use the Get Record action and then the following expression Outputs(‘Get_record’)?[‘body/_leadqualitycode_label’] where ‘Get_record’ is the name of the action.
Hope this helps someone.
Other links
The config look like following
const config = {
user: "admin",
password: "csdfsdfsdfVs",
server: "",
database: "web-database",
options: {
encrypt: true,
enableArithAbort: true,
it should be
const config = {
server: "",
user: "admin",
password: "csdfsdfsdfVs",
database: "web-database",
options: {
encrypt: true,
enableArithAbort: true,
Dynamics 365 Licencing plan – January 2021
Reset Dynamics 365 Sandbox
Reset Dynamics 365 Sandbox is very straight forward, just click on Reset button
However time to time you might see the following error:
To fix that problem clear just clear cache in your web browser and that’s it.